Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre

 ¿Qué ver en Hellenic cosmos cultural centre, El pireo?

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The Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre is located in El Pireo, Greece and offers visitors a unique cultural experience. The center features exhibits that showcase the history and culture of Greece, including interactive displays and multimedia presentations.

The center is open daily from 9am to 5pm, with extended hours on weekends and holidays. Admission prices vary depending on the exhibit, but generally range from €8 to €15.

The official website for the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre is https://www.hellenic-cosmos.gr/en/. Visitors can find information on current exhibits, ticket prices, and special events.

There are several attractions to see in the surrounding area, including the Acropolis of Athens and the National Archaeological Museum. Both attractions are open daily and have varying hours, so it's best to check their individual websites for current information.

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